code details
- what is a Continuing Property Record (CPR) and how is it used?
A Continuing Property Record (CPR) is a 6-character code that classifies equipment items into various property types. Some property types include:
- Hardwired retirement equipment
- Plug-ins (deferrable, non-deferrable and small form-factor pluggable)
- Capital tools and portable test sets
- Minor items
- Expense items
- Software
The CPR provides the grouping of assets to assist the service provider in managing their inventory and cost in the field and warehouse.
- what is an Equipment Category Number (ECN) and how is it used?
An Equipment Category Number (ECN) is a 3-character code that classifies equipment items by technology and functional grouping. Primary use of an ECN is in the investment-allocation processes and rate-base studies.
- what is a Field Reporting Code (FRC) and how is it used?
A Field Reporting Code (FRC) is a 2- to 4-character code used to identify which part of the network the equipment supports, such as electronic digital switch, circuit transport, packet switch, etc. FRCs can be used to record and group expenditures for capital, expense, repair and removal/salvage costs based on a set of defined accounting categories.
- are codes available that group equipment items?
Yes, the CLEI Code set provides multiple ways to group equipment. Classifying equipment is a critical aspect to CLEI Code identification. These classifications can be used for financial inventory value, reporting product groups by technology, type of use, or asset management reporting at the highest corporate financial level. Classification starts with the CLEI Code itself where the first two characters are mnemonic based on technology. However, associated CLEI Code data, such as the Equipment Category Number (ECN) also provides a means of organizing equipment based on specific network functions. ECN data can be further grouped by the Field Reporting Code (FRC).
- what is a Hardwired Assignment Code?
A Hardwired Assignment Code is a logical 8-character code assigned by iconectiv, used to provision equipment. Hardwired Assignment Codes identify the slot/port functionality that the hardwired equipment supports. Hardwired Assignment Codes, also known as CLEI Assignment Codes, are part of the CLEI Code set and are primarily used for network circuit inventory tracking, provisioning, network surveillance, testing and maintenance.
- what are Human-readable Equipment Catalog Item (HECI) and Human-readable Equipment Catalog Item Group (HECIG) codes?
Human-readable Equipment Catalog Item (HECI) and Human-readable Equipment Catalog Item Group (HECIG) are generic terms used in many Operations Support Systems. A HECI is the same as a CLEI Code and a HECIG is the first 8-characters of the CLEI Code.
- what is an Equipment Catalog Item (ECI) and how is it used?
An Equipment Catalog Item (ECI) is a 6-character code that has a one-to-one relationship to the 10-character CLEI Code assigned by iconectiv. Prior to October 1, 2006, all linear bar code labels contained the ECI number. After October 1, 2006, 2D product labels contain the full 10-character CLEI Code in the symbol, not the ECI. ECI codes are also used by some companies as internal processing codes.
- what business functions does a CLEI record help address?
A CLEI record helps service providers with equipment planning, engineering, ordering, warehousing, maintaining, repairing, inventory tracking and asset management. A CLEI record includes:
- The CLEI Code
- Physical, engineering, environmental and electrical attributes
- Asset-tracking codes (CPRs, ECNs and FRCs)
- Hardwired Assignment Codes used within provisioning processes
- Manufacturer’s product identifiers (i.e., stenciling, ordering code, etc.)
- Supporting manufacturer’s platform name, also referred to as System ID
CLEI Codes also assist with equipment modeling that rely on a hierarchal structure, which is a CLEI Coding principle.
- what is a Bar Code label?
CLEI Bar Code labels provide a mechanized means of tracking and the verification of material. CLEI Bar Code labels are supported in two formats:
- One-dimensional (1D), also referred to as a "linear" label; consists of a machine-readable Code 39 symbol that contains the ECI code. Linear labels are now restricted to be used on the product’s packaging only.
- Two-dimensional (2D), more specifically in the form of a MicroPDF417, must contain a human readable full 10-digit CLEI Code. Manufacturers are required to apply the 2D CLEI product label on the physical item per GR-383-CORE. The 2D CLEI Code product labels contain a MicroPDF417 symbol, which includes the CLEI Code and the item’s unique serial number.
For more details about bar code labeling requirements, refer to:
- ATIS-0300038 for product marking
- ATIS-0300091 for product serialization