equipment identification
- what is a CLEI Code?
CLEI Codes are globally unique, 10-character alphanumeric intelligent codes that identify equipment in a structured naming format. There is a one-to-one relationship between a CLEI Code and a Manufacturer’s Product Code (part number including the hardware version).
- how is a CLEI Code used?
CLEI Codes are the industry standard for equipment identification and are used as the primary product identifier. The intelligence of the code provides product interchangeability between versions of equipment. The CLEI Code also provides the key to associated product data within the Common Language Equipment Repository.
- do CLEI Codes conform to ANSI standards?
Yes, CLEI Codes conform to ANSI ATIS-0300213.2014, Structure for the Identification of Equipment Entities for Information Exchange.
- why is a CLEI Code important?
The CLEI Code provides a consistent naming convention used across all equipment manufacturers and includes classification of equipment. Classifying equipment based on technology assists CLEI Code subscribers with recording their assets into specific accounts. This allows for a comprehensive accounting view of capital expenditures (CapEX). Other benefits that CLEI Codes provide are consistent identification for modeling equipment and assisting with tracking a product’s lifecycle.
- why should my company use CLEI Codes?
CLEI Codes provide a consistent naming structure (10-character code) instead of variable length identifiers, such as manufacturer’s product codes. CLEI Codes also provide a consistent classification of equipment by functional network support (e.g., SONET / SDH, Wave-Division Multiplexing, Cellular Radio) and type of device (e.g., frame, chassis, plug-in). This further provides structure and classification that can be used to organize equipment for various business needs such as accounting, engineering and operations. CLEI Codes are also supported by machine readable symbols in the form of equipment Bar Code labels, where automatic data capturing devices (e.g., Bar Code scanners and smart phones) can be used to read the CLEI Code data, further enhancing the process. CLEI Codes and supporting data can be used throughout your company’s eco-system from procurement to final disposal.
- how does the use of CLEI Codes benefit asset retirement?
A: Consistent use of CLEI Codes throughout the item’s lifecycle ensures the correct item is being accounted for and retired accurately, which helps ensure a more error-free and less labor-intensive disposition process.
- what is the CLEI-7?
The CLEI-7 is the first 7 characters of a CLEI Code. The first 7 characters define the functionality of the equipment and whether equipment items are interchangeable.
- can CLEI Codes help with ordering equipment?
The use of a CLEI Code when ordering identifies the specific product desired by the internal user (engineer, inventory planner or field service). The CLEI Code provides an absolute identity of the ordered item, which reduces or eliminates shipments of an incorrect item. All CLEI Coded items should be itemized on Purchase Orders using the CLEI-7. The use of CLEI-7 in the ordering process:
- Eliminates the need for the ordering company to specify the hardware version of the product ordered
- Allows the supplier to ship the latest version of the product, which is fully interchangeable with previous versions
- Enhances the supply chain process for efficiencies in warehousing, engineering, and spares management by using an interchangeable unit (as defined by CLEI-7)
- How is the CLEI Code used on supplier packing lists and invoices?
When suppliers provide CLEI Codes and product IDs on packing slips, the service provider’s receiving department can ensure the correct item was shipped by verifying/comparing the CLEI Code on the package to the CLEI Code on the order slip. This will also help streamline the billing verification and payment process.
- how do CLEI Codes help with achieving asset management goals across organizations?
Asset management goals differ across the enterprise. Companies can capitalize on CLEI Codes to achieve specific asset management goals including but not limited to the following areas below:
Network planning: Including engineer optimal network to meet current and future service demands and ensuring efficient utilization of current and future network infrastructure
Network procurement and construction: Including cost-effective procurement of infrastructure, effective management of materials and warehoused equipment and facilitates vendor and project management
Network operations: Including efficient and effective network operation realized through ongoing optimal utilization of existing infrastructure
Financial Prioritization of capital expenditure: Including having clear and concise tracking and reporting of assets and the development of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
Commercial: Including pricing and profitability management of new and existing services as well as commercial justification for introducing, expanding or phasing out services
- What is the Common Language Equipment Repository?
The Common Language Equipment Repository (a.k.a. CLEI Equipment Repository or Property Record Catalog) is a database hosted by iconectiv that contains all CLEI Code records and their attributes, providing a centralized view of all equipment for various business and operations uses. Extracts from this source database can assist service providers in their business and operations functions. It includes asset-tracking codes (CPR, ECN and FRC), product base part numbers, descriptions and notes for each record. Various data access methods exist to retrieve CLEI Code and equipment information from the Common Language Equipment Repository.
- what resources are available to CLEI licensees?
Depending on the CLEI License Subscription, the following resources are available to licensees:
- CLEI Inquiry – A real-time web-based query tool that is hosted by iconectiv to query the Common Language Equipment Repository
- CLEI LDR – A local copy of the Common Language Equipment Repository, provided in Oracle format
- CLEI XML Extracts – A local copy of the Common Language Equipment Repository, provided in in an eXtensible Markup Language (XML) format
- Supporting documentation (CLEI BRs, GRs and JAs)
- Reference data – Data dictionary, spreadsheets, etc.
- Subject Matter Experts support and consultation
- IAB (International Advisory Group) membership and participation
- TAG (Technical Advisory Group) membership and participation
CLEI licensees have access to consultation from CLEI subject matter experts (SMEs) and are automatically invited to Technical Advisory Group (TAG) sessions, where service providers that use the CLEI Code set can discuss changes and additions to CLEI Code data.
- what are some features of the CLEI InQuiry tool vs. the XML and LDR solution?
CLEI InQuiry tool is subscription-based and includes:
- Web-based interface giving real-time lookup access to the CLEI Equipment Repository
- Secure access
- 24/7 access (user logins and SecurID required)
CLEI Local Data Repository includes:
- Initial full equipment/CLEI registry
- CLEI database extract provided in an Oracle Data Pump export
- Full extract is provided every other week to maintain LDR equipment content
- Access to the Equipment LDR GUI and LDR APIs to access the Oracle database and integrate with OSS/BSS solutions.
CLEI XML Extract includes:
- Equipment catalog extracts transmitted to customer, formatted in XML
- One Master data extract with deltas provided every other week
- CLEI data distributed across multiple XML files
- 24/7 access to CLEI Code data within their local environment but this requires the client’s development resources to compile and manage user access to the data information (i.e., GUI) to create reports. Once compiled and user access has been developed, access to the data is available.